💫 I used to struggle with Imposter Syndrome a ton earlier in my career. I don't anymore, part of that is just from experience and proving to myself I can Do The Thing, but there was another piece of understanding that helped me resolve the feeling. (thread)
              …in reply to @404boyfriend
              FIRST OFF: This idea likely won't work for everyone. People experience things in different ways, I'm speaking from a position of privilege, Twitter is not a good place for nuance. I'm just offering this way of thinking because it helped ME.
            …in reply to @404boyfriend
            In my experience, the feeling of Imposter Syndrome was the feeling that I didn't deserve/hadn't earned/hadn't learned enough to be in the position I was in. That somehow I had tricked my boss(es) into thinking I was smart or qualified enough for the job.
          …in reply to @404boyfriend
          But hang on just a sec. If we take that to be true — that I somehow subconsciously deceived my way through interviews, etc., and convinced all these extremely smart people around me that I was at least a peer....wouldn't I have to be at least very clever to do that successfully?
      …in reply to @404boyfriend
      What's significantly more likely than this, though, is that I'm actually just qualified enough, or showed enough potential in interviews that folks thought I was the right person for the job.