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The team at the tweetback project have put together a bunch of cool insights based on dissecting the Twitter import. The Tweets are the windows to the soul. What darkness awaits us in this heart?

I’ve retweeted other tweets 5,339 times (22.7%)

Most Retweeted

  1. xdesro 289 retweets
  2. cntndrCO 159 retweets
  3. bfeliciano 94 retweets
  4. leviboenish 70 retweets
  5. round 61 retweets
  6. juneauwhoa 60 retweets
  7. 40mackenzie 41 retweets
  8. cobra_winfrey 38 retweets
  9. archillect 36 retweets
  10. wheatplayer 28 retweets

Most Retweeted (Last 12 months)

  1. xdesro 43 retweets
  2. lil_gods_fave 23 retweets
  3. bfeliciano 18 retweets
  4. muhtanya 8 retweets
  5. forest_computer 8 retweets
  6. isosteph 7 retweets
  7. round 6 retweets
  8. KateBushWordBot 6 retweets
  9. a_busy_woman 6 retweets
  10. thomas_k_r 6 retweets

Replies and Mentions

43.5% of my tweets are replies (×10,258)

Most Replies To

  1. bfeliciano 320 replies
  2. wheatplayer 219 replies
  3. 2012_202228 205 replies
  4. jessikittyy 173 replies
  5. lil_gods_fave 170 replies

Most Replies To (Last 12 months)

  1. lil_gods_fave 36 replies
  2. zachleat 31 replies
  3. thomas_k_r 29 replies
  4. suburbpastoral 26 replies
  5. bfeliciano 20 replies

I’ve sent someone a mention 170 times (0.7%)


77.0% of the links I’ve posted are using the https: protocol (2,458 of 3,194)

89.8% of the links I’ve posted in the last 12 months are using the https: protocol (221 of 246)

Top Domains

  1. 1487 tweets
  2. 305 tweets
  3. 185 tweets
  4. 140 tweets
  5. 79 tweets
  6. 65 tweets
  7. 62 tweets
  8. 42 tweets
  9. 38 tweets
  10. 35 tweets

Top Hosts

  1. 1486 tweets
  2. 305 tweets
  3. 153 tweets
  4. 139 tweets
  5. 65 tweets
  6. 48 tweets
  7. 47 tweets
  8. 41 tweets
  9. 38 tweets
  10. 35 tweets

My tweets have been given about ♻️ 11,040 retweets and ❤️ 158,954 likes

Top 5 Emoji Used in Tweets

  1. 💛 used 441 times on 427 tweets
  2. 🥰 used 388 times on 315 tweets
  3. 🥺 used 284 times on 233 tweets
  4. 😎 used 278 times on 229 tweets
  5. 😤 used 273 times on 208 tweets

444 unique emoji on 3,492 tweets (19.2% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Hashtags

  1. codevember used 35 times
  2. fixedgear used 25 times
  3. demdebate used 22 times
  4. denver used 21 times
  5. trackbike used 16 times

583 hashtags on 583 tweets (3.2% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Swear Words

  1. s_it used 156 times on 155 tweets
  2. f_ck used 119 times on 116 tweets
  3. h_ll used 115 times on 114 tweets
  4. d_mn used 57 times on 56 tweets
  5. f_cking used 43 times

653 swear words on 642 tweets (3.5% of all tweets***)

***: does not include retweets