Try to keep an eye out for "NowThis"-style racial equity "wins" in the coming months. As presupposedly empathetic privileged people, we're really susceptible to seeing a catchy headline (e.g. Black Lives Matter street renames) and considering that to be real progress.
      …in reply to @404boyfriend
      Liz Jackson has an amazing talk about this phenomenon in the context of disability (remember that braille Lego video that...wasn't narrated?) — it's important that, when you see videos or headlines that feel like hopeful change, you consider who that change actually serves.
        …in reply to @404boyfriend
        Performance and low-effort changes (kneeling politicians, correcting poorly-cast cartoons, etc) can have some minute, infinitesimal sense of progress, but they pale in the face of real systemic change. Next time you see a viral "win", take a moment to ask who the win is for.