listfully recalling how I was egregiously denied a glorious career in professional "e-sports" video gaming because my parents refused to procure a competitive-spec gaming PC for every single one of the 18 years of my upbringing consecutively
        …in reply to @404boyfriend
        trying to think of what my gamer tag would've been. it's dior on most systems these days but like maybe kermie. or verytallandhandsome so the commentators have to call me that every time I make a play :)
      …in reply to @404boyfriend
      "but wait", u may say, "couldn't you just practice and tryhard and eventually rank up" and the answer is no! i missed that precious window to develop my raw talent (which is evident) — somewhat ironically, I'm washed-up before I had a chance to make any clean plays
    …in reply to @404boyfriend
    sometimes i feel like these threads (e.g. the portrait of kermit the frog, css necromancer, etc) would be better served as long-form blog posts because I REALLy like the idea of someone coming to my blog and finding long-form code tips/tutorials and then fucken whatever this^ is