update. swapping to a light theme, dropping the busy line art, using tighter type, and letting some of the cover art color come through seems like it's pulling everything together a bit better. 404boyfriend/1461893073198272514
so I just spent this evening debugging with my sister the math required to procedurally account for the gaps given only the ratio of 1 star to 5 stars + 4 gaps lol. 😵💫
fwiw, here's where we ended up. it's actually still not perfect (0 returns a negative 2% and 1 returns 102%), but it's visually perfect in all other cases, and i'm tired :) i just put a clamp function in the final implementation lmao
(Full text — gist.github.com/xdesro/ad696564cc911b251241cba7dcd709d0 )
none of this is revolutionary but it is *really* cute and fun :)