mature creatives & artists know well that criticism is part of the creation cycle; critique offers an opportunity for reflection — is there some truth in each analysis? through critique we may galvanize our creation. “all criticism bad” is the takeaway of the petulant & childish.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
      …in reply to @404boyfriend
      not all critique is good nor valid, in the same way much creative work is neither/nor. but the job of the creative is not to inundate the atmosphere with unreflective, unconsidered work, it is to use all tools available, especially criticism, to produce greater and greater works.
        …in reply to @404boyfriend
        if you create only for the benefit of those who do not think critically of your work, you value your own ego highest of all — you must be either the greatest creator ever, with no further room to ascend, or so deeply insecure you have rendered yourself static in self-defense.