mr. coyier's solution using an HTML form to create a new file in git had the perfect level of simplicity and classic web hackiness. i can now post to my blog from a simple url using gh auth and
→ 404boyfriend/1524203538854809601
for convenience, I also converted the rest of the site to 11ty from a single HTML file, so I can build both the blog-roll and RSS from a directory of content files.
right now dates are displayed in UTC? so that'll need some adjusting lol but I think it's just a matter of calculating the ISO offset to fix timezones. (i kinda like that the timezone is also a partial indicator of my location at the time of writing so)
- fix dates
- add netlify function to manually make gh call (removes client-side form handler JS and extra gh submission screen)
- generate og images from dates and post text
forgot I already had a thread for this one 404boyfriend/1526404037280600064
✅ gps can now be added to posts when granted via a Geolocation API request.