…in reply to @404boyfriend
    for convenience, I also converted the rest of the site to 11ty from a single HTML file, so I can build both the blog-roll and RSS from a directory of content files.
      …in reply to @404boyfriend
      right now dates are displayed in UTC? so that'll need some adjusting lol but I think it's just a matter of calculating the ISO offset to fix timezones. (i kinda like that the timezone is also a partial indicator of my location at the time of writing so)
          …in reply to @404boyfriend
          ✅ fixed timezones (defaults to NYC, updates if gps is provided in the content) ✅ add permalinks (looking into if i can do the og thing without individual pages; i like the long-scroll single-page wandering vibe) ⏳ gotta build a way (geolocation api?) to provide gps in the form
          oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API